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High-end replica source manufacturers tell you what to do if the suede of AJ replica shoes fades
Suede shoes are still very common in our daily life, especially the shoes of the current AJ replica series. The material of the shoes is no longer a single lychee leather, leather, and now suede shoes are also very common, everyone also I like this kind of material, and it looks very high-quality suede shoes are still very common in our daily life, especially the shoes of the current Air Jordan replica series. The material of the shoes is no longer a single lychee leather, leather, And now suede shoes are also very common. Everyone likes this kind of material, and it looks very textured. So how to maintain and clean such shoes?

AJ The suede of replica shoes is usually caused by improper cleaning. In places like this kind of suede fabric, don’t wash it. After cleaning, the shoes are easy to harden and fade. If the color has faded , you can search the Internet for sneaker repair, and then send your own shoes. Or go to a sneaker store to see if there is anything that can help fix it. Don’t mess around with yourself, it will only get worse and worse. It is really not recommended to wear it out on rainy days or when eating hot pot. Many friends around me think that it will hurt the shoes, so because the waterproof spray is sprayed on the surface of the suede, a film will be formed, which will cause the color change to misunderstand that it will affect the material. It’s actually normal.
There is also Maxluxes to tell you that when spraying waterproof spray, you need to pay attention that after spraying, use a soft brush to wipe the surface of the material, which can effectively penetrate the spray into the material and reduce the occurrence of discoloration of the material. Do not scrub after the spray dries, this will destroy the film. Both pairs of shoes have their own advantages and disadvantages. Suede is not easy to clean, but it is relatively durable, not easy to get dirty, breathable, soft and comfortable. It is better than ordinary smooth leather. Ordinary smooth leather is durable, but its air permeability and softness are slightly worse. It is more suitable for various weathers. You can buy it according to your daily needs, or it is also a good choice to start with a pair.
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