Introduction:Do you guys often hear people talk about high imitation shoes when they talk about shoes? What about the words “A” goods? But the word “replica” should not be heard a lot, so what is “A”high imitation version, and what is “replica” version? Where we can buy the replica? This article will comprehensively analyze this issue.
Many people often struggle to buy genuine products or fake products. Sometimes they feel that genuine products are too expensive, but buying replicas is embarrassing. Personally, I think how much money can make a big deal. If the economic conditions allow, you can buy genuine products. After all, the quality and guarantee of genuine products are leveraged. If you don’t like them, you can sell them. Some of them are collectible. While when the economic conditions are not enough but you really want to have it, you can also try to buy the replica. After all, the price is beautiful, and it will not be distressed if it is out of fashion for one year or two. At present, there are many versions of products in the market for various luxury brands. Of course, there is no need to talk about genuine products, but I think the replicas and high imitations in the market are still different. To a certain extent, replicas is more refined than high imitations, so today I will talk about my personal views on replicas and high imitations.
The difference between the high imitation version and the replica version of the shoes:
1. Copyright difference:
High imitation version refers to imitate the genuine product from restores its shape, material and function, which is called “A” high imitation.
The replica version refers to the re-production of the shoes that have been produced before, and some details are matched with new color matching, and the degree of restoration is much more higher.
2. Quality difference:
The high imitation version only imitates the appearance of the original target product, and the material is relatively inferior.
The replica version is produced 1:1 with the original product, and compare to the genuine product, it with the same shape and materials.
3. Functional difference:
The high imitation version of the shoes may be different from the functions of the original objects (genuine products) because the technology cannot be reached during the production process.
Due to the replica shoe is a one-to-one production model with the original object, there is no functional difference in the production process.
In a word, Replica version: As the name implies, it is to copy the genuine products of the counters. Some factories make products with their own exquisite craftsmanship and perfect assembly line system after purchasing the genuine products, conducting fine anatomy and special research on them. Aside from the purity of the bloodline, the quality of such replica products is very good.
For example, the 1:1 top-level replica refers to one-to-one production according to the shape, interior, wiring, etc. of the original product, and even some more advanced and rich large factories even have the same production machines and assembly lines, and After the design drawings are obtained through other channels, exquisite reproduction is carried out. This kind of reproduction product is basically the same as the original product, but there may be a slight difference in material.
After all, the price is more beautiful than the original product. Aspects are the same as the original product. Another type of re-engraving is official re-engraving, that is, re-engraving some out-of-print or a small number of products, and making some minor changes in color and other aspects, this kind of official re-engraving is also genuine.
Like the one below, it is a 1:1 top-level replica. You can see that the shape, insole, lining, sole and label, and the wiring are all very delicate, which is basically the same as the original.
“A” High imitation: High imitation refers to the products of factories that specialize in counterfeiting to make profits. This kind of factory often has its own set of mature technology and experience, so the products produced are similar in appearance to genuine products. From the perspective of appearance, if they are not experienced or true fans of the brand, it is difficult to distinguish true from false. However, because some key processes and materials are not available in high imitations, and some details are not very fine, the price will be lower.
Let me share some general knowledge with you:
The replica version we talked about, the reason why it is called a “replica version” is that it must meet certain conditions, and these conditions are called “replica elements”, and the replica elements mainly refer to ” “Remastered Edition” differs from the original by important features that make it relatively superior.
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The high imitation not only replicates the appearance of the original, but also other major details or all elements, but also retains the original brand logo, so the high imitation is actually a highly simulated counterfeit.
The last but not least, the packaging is also very important. Although the box is of little use to us, it just reflects the attitude of a seller. Therefore, a qualified replica packaging, but also to work hard. Some sellers are very attentive, and the packaging boxes are all according to the original packaging specifications. Everything is there. Individual special gadgets are individually packaged. It will really add points to the product. After all, the attitude is here, and things will not be bad.
The above are some of my personal experiences. I would like to share them with you. If you have any other questions, please feel free to communicate with us.
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